Print at the Library
Ready to print?

Interlibrary Loan
Borrow materials from other libraries.

Submit your thesis
Ready to submit? Follow the link below to a dynamic form to submit your thesis, and take a big sigh of relief!

Request New Materials
Want to suggest new materials for the Library to purchase? Fill out the form below.

Faculty Guide & Services
Want to know how you can work with a Faculty Librarian? You can find information about librarians, library resources, suggesting library materials for purchase, course reserves, digital scholarship services and technology services, all on this guide.
Research Consultations
Librarians can provide assistance with many types and all stages of research projects for all members of the NCF community. In addition to discussing and locating information resources and search strategies for class assignments, presentations, proposals, and theses, we can also provide project management guidance including narrowing/broadening you research idea, formulating a clear research question/statement, and reviewing tools for managing and annotating citations and sources (Zotero, for instance).
Although there are many helpful and skilled staff members in our library, there are three faculty librarians who are experts in conducting research and guiding researchers through all stages of the writing and discovery process.
You can book a 30-minute consultation with a librarian in-person or online via Zoom. Choose a day and time that works best for you and just click on a “Schedule a meeting” link below.
Schedule a Research Consultation

Illiana Zambrano: Research, Instruction, and Digital Scholarship Librarian
Schedule a meeting: http://izambrano.youcanbook.me/
Phone #: 941-487-4412 Office: Library First Floor: #129
Email: [email protected]

Jeff Thompson: Research, Instruction, and Digital Scholarship Librarian
Schedule a meeting: http://jethompson.youcanbook.me
Phone #: 941-487-4568 Office: Library First Floor: #130
Email: [email protected]

Ana McGrath:
Archives and Special Collections Librarian
Schedule a meeting: http://meet.boomerangapp.com/amcgrath.taogoods.net
Phone #: 941-487-4408 Office: Library First Floor: #129
Email: [email protected]
Library Spaces

Academic Resource Center (ARC)
The ARC is a large configurable area for students to work, study, or collaborate with fellow students. The ARC contains a Bloomberg Terminal computer area, Open Use Computer Lab, Media Lab and Video Viewing Booths. Peer tutoring in all subjects is available to students in the ARC.

NCF Makerspace
New College Library Makerspace is a space built for students, faculty, and staff to learn a skill and create. Patrons can create buttons, jewelry, zines & comics, or use the 3D scanner and printer.

Looking for a place to work together? The Col(laboration)-Lab is located on the first floor of the JBC library, next to the MakerSpace.
No need to check out a key; the lab is open to New College students.

Study Rooms
Need a room for silent study, a group project or group study? The library has rooms that can be checked out for up to an hour and a half and may be renewed. Study rooms have whiteboards and markers. Keys are checked out on a “first come/first served” basis from the circulation desk on the first floor. The circulation desk staff can answer any questions you may have about the Study Rooms.
Please keep in mind that the group study rooms are not soundproof.

Recreation Area
Play a board game with friends, work on a jigsaw puzzle, or create your own arts and crafts project. Our Recreation Area offers a wide variety of fun activities.

Library Plaza
Enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, along with a strong wifi signal, outside in our Library Plaza.

Dr. Helen Fagin Holocaust Collection & Room
Dr. Helen Fagin, was a Holocaust survivor and New College supporter. The collection contains materials that focus on the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights. It is an important part of the Jane Bancroft Cook Library collection.
The collection is located on the first floor of JBC Library.
Makerspace & Technology
Technology Guide
This guide will introduce you to some of the technology housed in the Jane Bancroft Cook Library and Educational Technology Services. Many of these pieces of equipment can be checked out from ETS or the library front desk, and all are available for student use.
Makerspace @ JBC
Make an appointment with Jeff Thompson clicking the link above to use the 3D Printer, Cricut, VR, and more, or drop in LBR 130 Monday – Friday 9-6pm to check it out!